Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walking the Dog, Cat, Bird, Ferret, or You Name It

One of the true pleasures of having an animal companion is being out in nature with your pet. We receive letters from people who walk their cats regularly. That's a sight we haven't had the pleasure of seeing yet.

We have observed people walking a family of ferrets on leashes. One woman carried her multi-colored bird -- squawking and talking -- on her shoulder around the lake.

It's delightful for us to take our cocker spaniel Leaf for walks around the wonderful lakes and ponds here in Minnesota. He picks up what one of our friends calls his "pee-mail" report while sniffing every tree, trashcan, and blade of grass he passes. People stop to pet him. Sometimes, he's receptive. Other times, he just wants to be left alone to enjoy his communion with nature.

Last week, while we strolled along the path surrounding beautiful Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, we spotted a new addition -- the Lake Creature.

Passersby told us that this prehistoric creature was first spotted on July 8, 2009. Fortunately we had brought our camera, so we were able to take pictures.

The Lake Creature is not as scary as the Loch Ness monster but he reminded us that dinosaurs roamed this area millions of years ago. Perhaps the Lake Creature is our own Jurassic Park remnant of that bygone era.

Visit to view the pictures. Also visit to read about this interesting and fun Minnesota project that causes lake walkers to do a double take and children to say, "Ooooo!"

What creatures have you seen on your walks with animal companions? What types of unusual pets have you observed people walking?

Allen and Linda Anderson
Angel Animals Network

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fill out the Pet Friendly Survey today. Your voice will be heard.

A new survey for you to express your opinions.

We want to know what you think about how viewing pets as your family members has affected the decisions you make everyday. We have constructed a survey that is quick and easy to fill out. There is space for your comments and short examples.

The results of this survey will help us to be more informed about how human-animal families are shaping society in today's world. It will also offer some factual data to companies, organizations, and services so that they can better meet your needs as pet parents of furbabies.

We hope to do some extensive writing about the topics in this survey. The questionnaire will provide a means for us to contact people for interviews so we can follow up on their comments.

The first 25 people who complete the survey questions, provide a minimum of one example in each of the survey's categories, and send the survey back to us will receive a book from the Angel Animals series as an expression of our gratitude. So go right away to Copy-paste the "Angel Animals Pet-Friendly Survey" into an email letter. Then thoughtfully fill it out and return the survey to us.

Thank you in advance for responding to this request. Your answers and information will help you to express your opinions and state your needs about what products and services would most help you to provide a better home for your pets. Improving pet-friendliness throughout countries and cultures will lead to fewer animals being abandoned and more pets being adopted into safe and loving homes.

Fill out the Pet Friendly Survey today. Your voice will be heard. Go to

What do you want the world to know about how to support your home, values, and lifestyle with an animal family member?

Allen and Linda Anderson
Angel Animals Network

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Preparing Pets for Fireworks

We asked our Facebook and Twitter friends to tell all of us what they do to prepare pets for fireworks displays. The responses were so helpful that we want to share them with our readers. We are not recommending any of these remedies. You have to use your discretion and do what you think works best for your pets. But people have certainly found some creative and comforting solutions.

Since I am a behavior consultant I've outlined a variety of tips for last minute and long term planned strategies in two different articles here: or
--Diana L. Guerrero

How To Keep Pets Safe During Fireworks or Thunderstorms
--Karen Anderson, Animal Communicator

One of the biggest mistakes pet owners do is "reassure" their pet with soft talk and cuddling. This only reinforces their fear! I've always conditioned my dogs to not have fear of loud noises like thunder and fireworks by remaining calm around them and having treats available to reward them so as soon as they hear the sound they associate it with a treat. This is positive reinforcement. never used "coddling" to reassure them, as in this case, is a negative reinforcement.
--Anita Solomon

As a former animal control officer, I always requested that the city post a reminder on the water bills for everyone in the city that our 4th of July impounds were about 30 percent higher than the average day. I advised people to make sure, especially if they were not going to be home, that they secure their animals. I personally use Quiet Moments for my dogs, a herbal sedative available at Petco.
--Shawn Pendell Green

My Clancy is a little Yorkie, and I've actually had him with me in a carrier while observing fireworks outside. Of course I never exposed him to excess noise levels by being right up close! But by exposing him to fireworks from when he was a pup, he is oblivious to the noise.

I don't really go out much, so I will be home. I turn up the fans to high and put on music or a movie and sit with my bunnies, if a close noise is loud, and they get scared. I work at the racetrack, and that is an even harder task to keep the horses calm. You just have to keep an eye on them, close their bottom doors, make sure they have hay to try and occupy them. I don't like the Fourth for that reason, too many locals with cheap, noisy fireworks.
--Randi Melton

One of us stays home and talks to her and keeps her calm.
--John P. Andolina Jr.

Mine hides in the shower!
--Holly Cook

It's not easy. Our golden is terrified, but we just keep talking and praising him and of course petting him at all times!
--Maureen Freeman

Keep them inside and turn the TV or radio up and talk to them in a soft voice. Let them know it's okay, and you are there to protect them.
--Terri Storm

I usually go and hang out with them, give them carrots, and reassure them by talking and explaining what is going on in my horse-talk/whisper way. Since having horses, I don't really go watch fireworks anymore because of this. My mare is used to the noise and she's bombproof anyway, but my rescued/adopted ex-racehorse, being a Thoroughbred, isn't as comfortable, although last year he was okay.
--Teri Rehkopf

My two Jack Russells have no problems with noise of either fireworks or thunder, but my dear "T" who has crossed The Bridge suffered terribly. We found that giving him 25mg of melatonin at least two hours before the noise started, GREATLY alleviated his distress. This medication is available over-the-counter with no prescription. It is a naturally occurring substance and not a drug. Consequently it does not make them "doped up" or have any of the usual tranquilizer side effects.
--Barri Soreil

When we lived in the city, we kept the doors and windows shut and I sat on the floor with my two dogs. Same for Halloween and New Year's Eve.
--Joy Lemmons

Daisy paces incessantly when they start. Usually I turn on the air and she does very well. Poor girl.
--Mel Freer

Your vet will prescribe a sedative without any questions and trust me it really helps.
--Jake Compton

HomeoPet TFLN Anxiety is a homeopathic remedy for relief from fear of: thunderstorms, fireworks, loud noises, and windstorms. It is a natural, non-sedating, tasteless liquid that really helps my mom's dog cope with thunderstorms.
--Patti Towhill

When my Pom, Hayley, was alive, we had to get the canine version of Xanax for her. One 4th, we came home to find her hiding in the bathtub and she had pooped EVERYWHERE in it! Not sure how my current dogs handle it, though I think they both sleep through it, if we're sleeping.
--Jennifer Dunn Walsdorf

Homeopathic Gelsemium is a safe and gentle way to reduce the severity of any fireworks-induced anxiety. Whatever potency you can get will be fine from 6x to 30c. You will be amazed. It also works for trips to the vet or when they know you'll be gone for a long while.
--Robert Scott Bell

In my neighborhood we keep our pets indoors. My cats are indoors only and still get frightened. I pet them and reassure them that everything is okay. One cat has been scared of thunder and always ran and hid under the bed. He has gradually lost most of his fear at loud noises and starts to run but stops and looks back at me as if to say, "Should I run or stay?" The petting and assurance works fairly well. Frankly, sudden, loud noises make me jump, too!

I've never attended public fireworks and festivities, because it seems no matter where we've lived there are always neighborhood lunatics who set off what seem to be bombs. It scares the dogs so much, and I'd like to think they feel better with me here. I'm watching my mom's dog this week and he is very, very uncomfortable.
--Jeannine Mallory

What do you do to prepare your pets for fireworks?