Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why do you call animals, angels?

Radio and television hosts and newspaper reporters frequently ask this question when we do interviews for our books. Sometimes it is accompanied by a snide comment such as, “My pet isn’t an angel!” Then they go on to report all the behavior that drives them crazy. Usually they end their tirade by saying, “But he’s family, and we love him.”

Over these many years, we have come up with answers to the question about animals as angels. We explain that our definition of an angel animal springs from the Greek derivation for the word angel, or angelos. This word literally means messenger. We believe (and have thousands of stories to back us up) that animals serve as divine messengers who bring assurance to people that yes, indeed, there is love in this world.

Then we get into the thornier aspect of the question: Is every animal an angel? This question is usually asked with a certain animal in mind who has done something humans don't consider to be angelic. How could such an animal be called an angel?

Mother Teresa once compared herself to a pencil God used for writing a love letter to the universe. Love letters, unfortunately, don’t always bring happy news. Love letters might convey a desire to end the relationship. They could strike the wrong note and fill the receiver with discomfort.

Messages can be joyful, sad, protective, or hurtful. Messages might not be deciphered for many years as life goes on and time does its duty of bringing perspective. On the other hand a message of love might make the beloved’s heart sing.

Because both animals and humans are souls, or divine sparks of God, clothed in physical form, they can serve as divine messengers. As with humans, some animal messengers are better than others. Some dilute the message with their own fears or destructive tendencies. As spiritual beings, animals vary in their states of consciousness. Yet they, too, serve as instruments, pencils in the hand of a loving God. More often then not, their messages uplift rather than destroy and turn our faces to the divine sender.

Do you think animals are angels in furry or feathery bodies?

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