Saturday, April 10, 2010

Announcement -- Request for Stories by Dr. Bernie Siegel

Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of LOVE, MEDICINE, AND MIRACLES has put out a call for stories for his new book about miracles. From our readers, he is especially hoping to find animal miracle stories.

He writes: "I believe miracles are the nature of life, and that life itself is an unexplainable miracle. When we exceed expectations, cure the incurable, experience the unexpected, we realize there are no coincidences -- only the gift of miracles.

"Have you been inspired by my books, appearances, or consultations and subsequently experienced what you might call a miracle in your life?

"I would love for you to send me miracle stories about what you have experienced or been witness to in any area of your life. I want this to go beyond my personal experience, to share your stories of miracles and how they enriched your spirit, gave you hope, increased your sense of gratitude, and connected you to the divine.

"You can remain anonymous or not. By sharing and recognizing miracles we may be able to increase the number we recognize and help ourselves and the inhabitants of our planet to heal."

Length: 100 to 1000 words
Submit by: June 15, 2010
Send to:, send story pasted into the email letter

Allen and Linda Anderson
Angel Animals Network

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